One Day Movie Review

22nd December 2011

Cast: Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess

Director: Lone Scherfig

Rating: 2/5

It grows beautifully and then it just falls flat...

By Priyanka Ketkar

A girl and a guy can never be just "good friends"... This theory has somehow landed up in most of the romantic books and movies. Lone Scherfig's One Day, based on a book by David Nicholls, also somehow revolves around the same theme.

We make friends, promise to stay in touch with each other and then lose touch but we always wonder what that person we knew long ago has grown into...we always wonder "what if"...

This is a similar story of two best friends- Emma (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter (Jim Sturgess) but these friends don't lose touch. The book was written in a way that it showed what each of the two was doing on one particular date every year and that's how the movie takes us through. The two as teenagers are uncertain about their futures, have dreams but a few dreams can be accomplished and a few just are left behind. They grow apart but are always in touch with each other, are always there for each other and most importantly love & understand each other like nobody else. They stumble, they fall, they almost lose their friendship but you can't stay mad at your best friend for too long, right? Things finally become fairy-tale perfect when again life shows its true colours with the uncertainties it has to offer.

The movie grows delightfully along with Emma and Dexter. 15th July... that "One Day" comes and goes but they don't lose touch with each other. But what ensues towards the end is just a mean way to end the One Day.

Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess are charming, sweet, share a great chemistry and are perfect-as best friends and as a couple. Had it not been for them, it would've been really difficult to sit through this movie. Also, the movie is shot very beautifully and the episodic way of taking us through their lives creates kind of a suspense making you wonder- "what next?"

The first half seems to be beautiful and it feels like "love is in the air" but then the second half of the movie just falls flat and that one incident which changes Dexter's life, actually changes the course of the movie making it drab.

It could've been a sit-at-home-and-enjoy kind of a movie or even a date movie but sadly it fails to impress in spite of its scenic beauty, British accents and charming lead actors. 


Tags: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess , One Day,