Real Steel Helicopter Snags Powerline

23rd September 2010

September 23, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): According to authorities a helicopter used in the filming of the latest Hugh Jackman movie, "Real Steel", snagged at a power line in the US state of Michigan. This incident ended up causing a short power outage in the area and resulted in the closing down of a roadway.

County Sheriff of Huron, Kelly J. Hanson, declared that no one was hurt and there are zero injuries that were reported after the incident took place this Sunday evening. The whole fiasco took place at the Huron County's Sheridan Township, which is around 90 miles north of the state of Detroit.

A particular section of a nearby road had to be closed for some time for this reason. Hanson also said that the copter had a front-mounted camera equipped to it. The copter later got hooked on the electrical wire. It is suspected that the helicopter faced a few direction based control problems before it could take back control and fly to safety again.

"Real Steel" is a movie that is based in the distant future and is about boxing between robots. The movie is to be released by the DreamWorks Studios and would be released in the next year.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Hugh Jackman, Real Steel,