Review Of Glee Episode 5

29th October 2010

October 29, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Carl, who is jealous of Emmas new beau, gets himself into a role to keep with Emmas beau. Then he asks his crush to go ahead rehearsing a scene where her character is required to seduce him in a very hot manner.

Will comes to know that Emma loved The Rocky Horror Picture Show and he decides to repeat the show for the school. Apart from Finn, all other students are into it because he was not ready to be on the stage in his underwear. However, with the help of Rachel, he overcomes the fear a little bit and goes for rehearsals, which goes off quite well.

Sue comes with an idea of doing a report on the show which will open the eyes of the parents with the fact that their kinds were being taught inappropriate arts in the school.

With the help of Becky, Will gets to know about this plan and confronts Sue over it. On the other hand, she blames Will saying that he is doing the show only to impress Emma. Then Will realizes that he is doing wrong by making the kids perform lewd dances only to win someone elses woman.

Will apologizes to Emma and informed about this to the kids and adds that they can continue the show but only for themselves. So they performed the final number in an empty auditorium.

However, Becky steals the episode with the best line Give me some chocolate or I will cut you.

--Sampurn Wire
