Robin Williams: Heart surgery made me emotional

20th September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Robin Williams says undergoing heart surgery broke his barrier and made him more emotional.

The Hollywood actor famously underwent open-heart surgery early last year, when one of his valves was replaced with that of a pig. Although Robin has recovered now, the star admits the experience hugely changed him as a person, putting him far more in touch with his feelings.

"Oh, God, you find yourself getting emotional. It breaks through your barrier, you've literally cracked the armour. And you've got no choice, it literally breaks you open. And you feel really mortal," he told British newspaper The Guardian.

Since he first found fame in the 70s, Robin has enjoyed a long acting career and is considered one of the most hardworking stars in the movie industry. He has appeared in movies such as Mrs Doubtfire, Dead Poets' Society and The Fisher King

But since experiencing ill health last year, 59-year-old Robin says he wants to take his professional life far more slowly. He regrets making so many movies during the 90s, although he doesnt pinpoint any particular films.

Robin accepted so many roles because he was worried his fans would forget him, and he fears this made him take parts he perhaps didnt value artistically.

In one two-year period I made eight movies. At one point the joke was that there's a movie out without you in it. You have this idea that you'd better keep working otherwise people will forget. And that was dangerous. And then you realise, no, actually if you take a break people might be more interested in you. Now, after the heart surgery, I'll take it slow," he explained. (C) Cover Media
