Sandra Bullock is a doting mother to her son

1st September 2010

September 1, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Sandra Bullock has a new love it's her little son Louis, who happens to be the light of his momma's eyes. Being the first boy to grace the Bullock family in years, Sandra thinks Louis has turned into everyone's crown prince and enjoys a lot of affection from every member. The womenfolk at the Bullock household love having the little kid around and Louis certainly enjoys the attention. Joking about her father, Bullock said that her old man was miserable for some male company and Louis has been his savior.

The renowned actress aid that she always felt that Louis was hers and she wants to give him the best life any mother could give her son. Bullock has managed to keep the adoption process secret thanks to her close circle of fiercely loyal family and friends. Sandra said she was blessed with a warm family and good friends who have stood by her at all times. The Bullock household is very happy to have the bundle of joy in their lives as he has completed the household and brought unexpected joys to the family. Let us hope that the Bullock family continues to prosper and grow stronger each year.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Sandra Bullock,