Sandra Bullocks ex recalls affair confession

4th May 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sandra Bullock shook with sobs when her ex-husband admitted hed been unfaithful.

The actress was thrown into turmoil shortly after winning her best actress Oscar last year when a string of women claimed her husband Jesse James had been unfaithful. The pair split and have since divorced, with Sandra continuing their plan to adopt a baby on her own.

Jesse insists hes turned his life around over the last year and is now releasing a book about his life called American Outlaw. In it he details the exact moment he owned up to cheating on Sandra.

I admitted the affair. I told her the hard details. I let her know that I had never loved this woman, that I had never cared for her at all, he writes in the tome.

The feeling of shame and sadness that washed over me as Sandy began to cry was almost beyond measure... I didn't touch her. I sat frozen in my chair, watching, as Sandy's small body shook with sobs.

Michelle Bombshell McGee was the first to claim to have a relationship with Jesse while he was married, alleging they had an 11-month affair. It was her story which prompted Jesse to reveal all to Sandra after the actress publicist told him it was going to be made public.

He eventually opened up in his office, and was amazed by how composed Sandra was once shed taken in the news.

Sandy rose to her feet. She unfolded her sunglasses and put them on her face, he wrote.

She walked steadily and purposefully to the front of the shop, opened the heavy, metal door. For a moment, the sunlight enveloped her. The door closed behind her, and she was gone.

Jesse, 42, has three children and was honest with his eldest two about why his marriage had broken down. His youngest daughter Sunny developed a close relationship with 46-year-old Sandra and he found it harder to be open with her.

Describing how he dealt with her questions about where Sandra was in the aftermath of the scandal, Jesse wrote: I chew my lip as I consider my answer. Well, sweetie, the truth is, I have no idea. Daddy f**ked up, real, real bad, so your stepmommy decided to disappear for a few weeks.

Jesse appeared on Good Morning America this morning to talk about his book and spoke about the way his life has changed recently. He says the scandal made him stronger as it showed he can withstand anything thats thrown at him, adding although other people are still interested in it he rarely spends time thinking of that part of his life.

I think I've spent a good chunk of the last five or six years worrying only about [Sandra] and what she thinks and what I should do and, like, you know, controlling all my movements and everything else. I think it's time to worry about Jesse and making sure Jesse's happy, he said. (C) Cover Media
