Sugarland performing tonight

18th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Sugarland will resume performances today following the tragic accident which killed five of their audience members.

The Grammy award winning country western duo comprises of Jennifer Nettles and Kristina Bush.

On Sunday, five people were killed and nearly four dozen injured when turbulent winds caused the stage to collapse just minutes before they were set to perform at the Indiana State Fair. The event reopened on Monday and a public memorial service for those who died was held.

It's now been confirmed Jennifer and Kristina will return to the stage tonight with tour mate Sara Bareilles. Further details about the show are currently unavailable.

Jennifer expressed her grief about the incident on Sunday in a lengthy statement.

"There are no words to process a moment of this magnitude and gravity," Jennifer lamented. "There are only prayers for peace in the hearts of the bereft, and prayers of thanksgiving for those who were spared or safe. A piece of our heart is left in that grandstand.

"We wish to pass along our most sincere thanks for the messages of love, prayer and support from our fan family."

Sugarland's tour manager has commented on how deeply affected Jennifer and Kristina were by the tragedy. Sugarland will host a private memorial in Indiana, separate from the Indiana State Fair's, soon. The date for the service has yet to be confirmed. (C) Cover Media
