Tamara Ecclestone: Money doesn't define me

13th November 2011

Tamara Ecclestone says her fortune doesn't "define" her.

The pretty socialite is the daughter of Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone.

The 27-year-old lives in a 45 million home in London and her famously lavish lifestyle is being documented in new reality TV show Tamara Ecclestone: Billion $$ Girl.

Tamara insists people misjudge her because of her fortunate background.

"A lot of people just see my family's money and think that define me," she told the UK edition of OK! magazine.

"But money is the least important thing in my life compared to things like family, friendships and relationships."

Tamara - who is currently dating stockbroker Omar Khyami insists people will be surprised by the new show. The star says audiences should be prepared for a revealing insight into her life.

"People think that I'm spoilt. They think I'm an idiot and all I do is shop. It's hard when you know you're not a certain way and there are people out there who think you are," she said.

"I hope this programme will show people the real me. Expect ups, downs, tears, laughter. You're going to see everything!"
