Tina Fey planning work break

24th May 2011

(Cover) - -No story type selected- - Tina Fey is planning to take a "breather" from work once her baby is born.

The American actress-and-comedian recently announced she is pregnant with her second child. Tina, who already has a five-year-old daughter Alice with her husband Jeff Richmond, wants to devote as much time to the newborn as possible when she gives birth later this year. Shooting of season six of Tina's award-winning television show 30 Rock has been delayed until January to give the star more time with her baby.

"I'm hoping to have a little bit of a breather before the season starts," Tina told People at the NBC Upfront presentations in New York. "I hope I'll get some time off to you know, care for/feed the baby."

Once Tina does return to work she realises she will be under pressure to get the series taped in a shorter space of time than usual. However, the 41-year-old insists she can handle a heavy workload, revealing the cast and crew are used to stressful situations.

"Every year there's something," she explained. "The writer's strike last year Tracy Morgan needed a kidney we never had a year when we didn't have something overriding our schedule."

Tina went on to reveal Alice can't wait to meet the new addition to their family. The actress joked her daughter is looking forward to having some authority over a younger person in the brood.

"She's super excited," she smiled. "She's looking forward to having someone to boss around." (C) Cover Media
