Tips To A Great Healthy Skin: Basic Guidelines To Follow

21st January 2011

January 21, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Skin as we all know is the biggest and the most important organ in the human body. Thus it is of prime importance that this very important organ should be looked after with utmost care and precaution.

So, what are the basics things to be kept in mind while making sure that one is giving ample importance to ones skin?

Well, the most important thing is to keep the skin clean at all times. Care should be taken to wash and cleanse dirt off from skin on a daily basis if not more than once then at least a proper bath in the mornings should be one of the most important routines in ones life.

The most important factor while cleansing that should be kept in mind is that avoid too much scrubbing, as this will wash away the upper layer of the skin to a great extent and it will make the skin less in elasticity. Use a soft loofah everyday to cleanse the dirt.

Then comes the toning and moisturizing of the skin. CTM or cleansing, toning and moisturizing on a daily basis are important factors in maintaining a healthy skin.

Fourthly one must drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily. However, if not plain water then juices and drinks can be included so as to give plenty of fluids to the skin.

Fifthly a daily routine in exercise is a must too. The skin needs a lot of fresh oxygen to breathe. So in order to keep it healthy, an intake of adequate amounts of oxygen should be an important part in ones routine.

Next in line should be that no pimples, warts or blackheads should be picked and pricked at home, as this will leave permanent marks making one feel the embarrassment throughout.

Seventh in line to get a healthy skin is to go in for at least seven to eight hours of sleep. Yes sleep is very important to get a proper and glowing skin, remember the saying 'beauty sleep'.

Last but not the least is to be very cautious while stepping out in the Sun. Make sure you protect it from the strong rays by investing in a proper sun screen. Apply the sunscreen at least 20 minutes before stepping out.

So, with summer round the corner just keep in mind these tips for a great healthy looking skin!

--Niky Sharma / Sampurn Wire
