Tobey Maguire pays $80k to get out of poker lawsuit'

28th November 2011

Tobey Maguire has paid $80,000 to get out of a poker lawsuit, it is reported.

The Spider-Man actor was included in a legal filing because of money he won during high-stakes poker games organised by convicted Ponzi fraudster Brad Ruderman.

The victims of Brad's schemes are trying to get their money back after he filed for bankruptcy when his fraudulent business imploded.

The Hollywood Reporter claims that Tobey's payout came to light during a new bankruptcy court document filed last week.

Tobey signed the papers dated November 18, which says that he did not receive any more than the $80,000 from Brad and that he had no knowledge of where the schemer's money came from.

The actor was one of 22 people being sued over the summer for winning money from Brad in 2007 and 2008.

The actor was one of many stars including Ben Affleck and Leonardo DiCaprio who were named as allegedly being part of a gambling ring that held high-stakes Texas Hold Em matches in various hotels around Beverly Hills.

Tags: Tobey Maguire,