Travolta Extortion case dropped

7th September 2010

September 7, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The extortion charges against two people have been dropped after the judge found out through the prosecutor that the Travolta family no longer wanted to pursue the case. Right after a jury had been selected and the trial was about to start for the two defendants, the prosecutor Neil Braithwaite submitted a motion to the judge intending to drop the case.

The case involved a paramedic and a politician was accused for threatening the Travolta family that they will release private information about their teenage son's death in 2009 at the family vacation home. The Travolta family has not been the same since the tragic 2009 incident and they have gone through an unbelievable amount of stress.

Tarino Lightbourne was among the medics who treated Jett; he sought $25 million from the Travoltas with the assistance from Bridgewater. Bridgewater resigned her seat in the Bahamas senate immediately after she was charged with extortion. Previously, actor and father john Travolta had testified against the two defendants but the long pending trial process was taking a heavy toll on the family members so he decided to drop the case.

The actor wants to put the nasty incident behind and move forward with the memories of his young son. John also said that it was in his family's best interest to drop the charges and let bygones be bygones.

-- Sampurn Wire
