Whitney Houston's casket guarded'

19th February 2012

Whitney Houston's coffin is being guarded by ten people.

The singer passed away aged 48 last weekend and her funeral was held at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey, yesterday.

At the end of the service her casket was carried out while her most famous song I Will Always Love You was played. Her body will be buried today in the Fairview cemetery in Westfield, which is where her father was laid to rest.

According to TMZ, a vast amount of security has been employed to ensure everything goes to plan.

"The casket of Whitney Houston will be heavily guarded until the burial Sunday morning, with a whopping ten security guards tasked with keeping watch on it," the site reports.

The casket is already thought to be at Whitney's final resting place.

Her loved ones will be allowed to see it at some point today before the burial takes place.

Whitney's funeral was attended by some of the biggest names in the business, with Oprah Winfrey, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, Stevie Wonder and Kevin Costner all there.

Her ex-husband Bobby Brown with who she had 18-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina - also came to the service, although he left when it had only just begun. There were reports he was unhappy when not all his entourage were offered seats, so chose to leave.

The star has since released a statement insisting he didn't stay because he didn't want to cause any problems.

"My children and I were invited to the funeral of my ex-wife Whitney Houston," he said. "We were seated by security and then subsequently asked to move on three separate occasions. I fail to understand why security treated my family this way and continue to ask us and no one else to move. Security then prevented me from attempting to see my daughter Bobbi Kristina.

"In light of the events, I gave a kiss to the casket of my ex-wife and departed as I refused to create a scene. My children are completely distraught over the events. This was a day to honour Whitney. I doubt Whitney would have wanted this to occur. I will continue to pay my respects to my ex-wife the best way I know how."

Bobby has three other kids. After leaving the funeral he made his way to Uncasville, Connecticut, where he performed a concert with his band.

Bobbi Kristina was supported by Whitney's mother Cissy Houston during the funeral, which lasted well over three hours. Both women were seen in tears at points but helped each other through the service.

Whitney was found dead in a Los Angeles hotel bathroom last weekend. She fought a long battle with drugs but her cause of death won't be known until toxicology tests come back.

Tags: Whitney Houston,