Zooey Deschanel relies on intuition

8th July 2012

Zooey Deschanel always "goes with her gut" when making career choices.

The actress has one requirement when she's offered a script she has to like the character she would play. Other than that, Zooey is open to appearing in any genre.

"You can't honestly predict which movies are going to be fun or which are going to be good. I try to trust my intuition you have to go with your gut. If I like a character, that will always be my guide. Because, no matter what, that character is your responsibility, so you have to make it work," she told Look magazine.

The 32-year-old star's favourite films are ones about flawed characters. She explained there are some movies she can watch many times because she loves them so much.

"I love Meet Me in St. Louis, which is a Judy Garland movie. It's so happy and there's such a wonderful feeling. Another more modern movie I love is Broadcast News. I watch it over and over again. I just love the characters,"

Tags: Zooey Deschanel, Judy Garland, Meet Me In St. Louis,