Aamir to move to a new home

17th April 2013

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan has been living at his current Bandra residence in Mumbai for over 40 years now.

Though Aamir can easily afford a sea-facing plush bungalow or a fancy pad anywhere in Mumbai, the actor prefers to stick to his roots and live in the house where he grew up.

However, the actor will be shifting base in the near future. Aamir and wife Kiran Rao are planning to get their home renovated which might take a few months. So the actor is planning to find a rented place until his current home is fully renovated.

Aamir has vouched to renovate it to suffice his changing needs, but he has refused to leave the place for reasons best known to his heart.

Well, guess the saying 'home is where the heart is' suits the perfectionist the best.

Tags: Aamir Khan,