Abhishek: I am an 'over-rated' actor

25th March 2011

In an industry where, if praise is not from others, stars decide to do a publicity stunt by appraising themselves and their work, Abhishek's recent, honest comments comes as a total surprise. Abhishek Bachchan has been doing rounds of various places in order to promote his forthcoming film 'Game' and at one such promotional event Abhishek was in a forthcoming mood. While answering media questions, he confessed, that he is an actor who has a long way to go. He says, �I think I am terribly overrated as an actor. They have given me more due than I deserve. I have a very long way to go. I have lot of improvement to do�, He brought back some humor to wake people from his startling statement, when a reporter enquired about his favorite star, he said, �Me myself� and in his signature humorous way he continued, �apart from me, I think my father has some potential�.

Now this AB Baby might not be a king at the box-office, but he certainly does know the art of turning tables round. By his self-confession, it is confirmed that he is the one who certainly doesn't believe in the number race and looks for an improvement with every additional film.

Tags: Abhishek Bachchan, Dum Maro Dum,