Brandon Routh to be a dad

15th March 2012

Brandon Routh and his wife Courtney Ford are set to become parents for the first time.

The couple announced yesterday that they will welcome their bundle of joy this summer.

But they told People magazine that it has been challenging not letting anyone know their happy news before they were reading to reveal it.

"It's been so hard keeping the news to ourselves," Brandon, 32, said.

"Everyone on set keeps asking, Do you have kids? And I've had to say, Well not yet!' It's the truth. The baby hasn't been born yet!"

Courtney, 33, shared that she had to be creative in what she told her colleagues when she was suffering from morning sickness on the set of Parenthood.

"It started getting difficult to hide what was happening," the actress shared.

"Flu and food poisoning excuses only work for so long, and by the last episode I could no longer button my pants! I just tried to joke that I had a big lunch."

The happy couple met in 2003 when Brandon worked as a bartender at Lucky Strike in Los Angeles and Courtney was there for her brother's rehearsal dinner.

"He met my whole family the day he met me," Courtney laughed about the Superman Returns star.

The couple have been married for four years after tying the knot in November 2007.

Tags: Brandon Routh,