Christopher Nolan: Movies arent a test

2nd March 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Christopher Nolan has urged people never to treat cinema-going as a test.

The 40-year-old director is known for his work on the rebooting of the Batman film franchise, as well as acclaimed movies such as Memento and last years science-fiction blockbuster Inception.

Inception which starred a host of A-listers including Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Marion Cotillard was famed for its complex plot about dream invasion, and left many viewers baffled.

But Christopher says he finds it frustrating to hear such feedback, as he feels movie-goers should appreciate the experience and not fret about understanding every minute detail.

"And in the case of both films [Inception and Memento], the people who watched the films trying to understand everything or feeling like they're meant to understand everything like the film is some kind of test they are the people who understand the film the least and get frustrated with it, he argued in an interview with USA Today.

"As with any other film, you just let it wash over you and carry you along with it. Then you'll get everything you need to get."

Christopher also discussed the Batman movie franchise, as The Dark Knight Rises will begin shooting soon. The film will see Christian Bale return as Batman, and Anne Hathaway was recently unveiled as Catwoman. Speculation has been rife over the direction the comic book adaptation will take, although the moviemaker is keeping his lips sealed. Christopher is happy to express just how passionate he is about the film though.

"When you're working on material from the grand source of comic books and a wonderful character like Batman, who people feel very strongly about, you have to just keep your head down and be true to your own vision of it," he added. (C) Cover Media
