Daniel Craig: I look like Elton John in 3D specs

17th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Daniel Craig worries he looks like Sir Elton John when watching 3D movies.

Such releases usually make Daniel feel unwell and he also hates how silly the audience look wearing 3D glasses. Elton is renowned for his extensive and flamboyant collection of spectacles and Daniel has joked cinemagoers resemble him when viewing 3D.

"I think 3D works in animation. It gives me a headache to tell you the truth so maybe I'm just a bit old fashioned about that," he explained to Newsbeat.

"When you watch a 3D live action movie you're forced to look at parts of the screen you might not necessarily want to look at but you have to because that's where the focus is. In 2D you get a much richer feeling. It'll catch up and maybe the glasses disappear and it'll all get a bit easier. Because at the moment it's a bit silly. There's all these Elton John's in there watching films."

Daniel's new movie is sci-fi Western Cowboys & Aliens, which sees a spaceship settling in Arizona in 1873. It was directed by Jon Favreau and also stars Harrison Ford, and Daniel had a great time during shooting.

"This was just a dream come true. I love horses and to be able to ride on them every day plus ride a horse wearing a cowboy outfit in New Mexico with Harrison Ford sitting next to me I was in heaven," he laughed.

"It was a very deliberate decision [not to shoot in 3D]. I'm glad we didn't. I mean, we'd still be shooting it apart from anything else." (C) Cover Media
