George Clooney: Im glad Brad didnt win sexy title

18th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - George Clooney is thrilled Ryan Reynolds has been named this years Sexiest Man Alive because the accolade didnt go to Brad Pitt.

The Hollywood hunk is good friends with Brad, with the pair appearing in the Oceans series of movies and Burn After Reading. They get on extremely well, but are also competitive when it comes to their careers. The two men continually joke about who has won the better leads when they see each other, and use interviews to poke fun at one another.

George was named People magazines Sexiest Man Alive in 1997 and 2006, with Brad taking the crown in 1995 and 2000. Neither could bear for the other to claim more adoration by topping the list again, so George was thrilled when fellow movie star Ryan was bestowed the honour yesterday.

I'm very happy for him, George said. I'm also happy that it's not Brad.

The star was speaking at a humanitarian awards event in New York. George is renowned for helping good causes, organising a telethon earlier this year which raised millions of dollars for the relief effort in Haiti following the earthquake there.

His interest in good causes has led many to wonder whether George may ditch his film career to enter the political arena, but he insists that wont happen.

I don't have the ties for it, he joked. (C) Cover Media
