Hrithik Roshan to fight tigers in Mohenjo Daro

18th June 2015

Celebrity fitness trainer, Satyajit Chaurasia is busy training  Hrithik Roshan to fight tigers for Ashutosh Gowarikar's, 'Mohenjo Daro'.

Satyajit told in an interview, "The script of Mohenjo Daro is superb. Hrithik is my friend and he has shared with me the details of the body shots and other sequences while working out. There are combat scenes between him and tigers in the film. So I'm training him to build the right body for these kinds of sequences."

He added, "For him, it is a stress-buster which gives him a lot of delight. So I try to give him numerous workout drills to keep him happy. He has worked really hard for Mohenjo Daro with a lot of planning and his body is looking perfect in the film."

Mohenjo Daro is an epic love story set in the Indus Valley Civilization which has been extensively shot in Bhuj. The overt health conscious actor will be seen in a perfect cut of body.

Tags: Hrithik Roshan, Mohenjo Daro,