Jessie J: I'm no diva

13th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jessie J insists she's not a diva, she just needs to "survive".

The British singer is outspoken and proud to be that way. Her flamboyant nature has led to claims that she is demanding, but Jessie insists that isn't the case.

"Apparently I demanded a yoga mat and white everything in my dressing room. No, all I want is a kettle and a door that locks," she said. "Oh, and a full-length mirror so I know my shoes match my outfit. I do love having a calming candle to relax me. It's not a diva thing though, it's more about surviving."

The star also spoke about social networking sites and the effect they are having on society. Although she does use them, Jessie worries some people are on the brink of becoming obsessed about their online profile.

"People don't talk to each other anymore, they tweet or Facebook instead," she told Company magazine. "Some people message saying, I've got no friends,' but that's because they need to go out I won't live on Twitter because I want a life when I'm not working." (C) Cover Media
