Katherine Jenkins: Skin won't guarantee win

21st May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Katherine Jenkins insists she doesn't have to show skin in order to be crowned Dancing with the Stars champion.

The Welsh singer is preparing for the hit TV series' final showdown this week, against actor-and-model William Levy and NFL star Donald Driver.

William and Donald have both removed their shirts throughout the series, but Katherine and her professional partner Mark Ballas insist they won't be wearing flesh-baring outfits in order to garner votes.

"We don't. We're going to just do the dancing ," she said when asked how she can compete with her opponents on the flesh-baring front, before Mark added: "At the end of the day, it's Dancing with the Stars not Stripping with the Stars, so we're going to focus on the dancing side of things."

Katherine - who recently suffered a mild back injury on the series - loves working with her dance partner Mark. The blonde beauty admires his relentless work ethic, although sometimes she finds his persistence quite amusing.

"It's funny, when I was watching you choreograph the other day, I was sitting there almost laughing. It's so amazing watching you come up with all these ideas, it's so entertaining," she smiled to him in a video interview with ET Online.

Meanwhile, Donald has refuted suggestions he will showing off his muscular physique during the final showdown.

"It's not about just showing skin," Donald said. "In this competition it's all about 'Can you dance?' That's what the show is all about. It's not about how much clothes you can take off." (C) Cover Media
