Michelle Williams hates seeing herself on screen

15th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michelle Williams has described watching herself on screen as an unimaginable terrifying awful experience.

The 30-year-old actress is considered one of Hollywoods most talented and beautiful stars, but that doesnt stop her panicking when she sees herself on the big screen.

Michelle appears in new movie Blue Valentine, which follows the relationship of a married couple, and features some raunchy sex scenes between her and Ryan Gosling which she found watching difficult to stomach.

Actually watching myself is an unimaginable terrifying awful experience. Scary. I churn inside. Shrink back in my seat. I hang on like it's a roller coaster ride. I claw the chair's arms, she told the New York Post at a screening.

Although she doesnt enjoy watching her love scenes, Michelle is immensely proud of the movie and would encourage people to go and see it. She admits seeing herself scantily clad is a shocking experience primarily because she was heavier when she made the film.

You have to see the movie, she enthused. I'm nude in some love scenes. It's a big difference from my look now because I had to gain 15 lbs for the part. I finally lost those when I stopped eating ice cream after breakfast, lunch and dinner. (C) Cover Media
