20th May 2011
After reaching starry heights, it's rare to see such dedication. Rebel star Ambarish's mother told him to go back to shoot after performing the final rites of his father. Now we hear that recently, a day after her father's emise, Neethu resumed shooting.

In these days of heroines not attending the shoot on time, the Kannada actress Neethu at the height of her career, showed a perfect temperament.

Neethu's father, Manjunath died a week ago from jaundice. Neethu after attending the final rites of her father, moved to Karkaala for her Konkani film 'Ujwadu' shoot and surprised everyone. "The producer should not suffer on account of my personal problem" stated Neethu. She looked very normal on the sets. "Work is worship" Neethu informed when the media persons met her on the sets of 'Ujwadu' film.

Actress Neethu shot to fame with 'Joke Falls', a Kannada film and got praised for her role in 'Gaalipata' of director Yogaraj Bhat.