Ramya may contest elections

3rd May 2011
The leading actress Ramya, may finally head towards politics, as she has been quite active in the political scenario of late. The actress was recently seen in the front row, attending Rahul Gandhi's meet. Her mother Ranjitha has been in the Congress for a long time now and Ramya's long-standing admiration for Rahul Gandhi, coupled with her mother's influence might have garnered her interest in politics.

It is suspected that Ramya is aiming to cement her place in the Youth Congress in the coming elections. Ramya's charm and popularity is such that she might succeed in getting a political hold. No other celebrity in the state is as popular as her and her habit of being active on social networking sites like Face book and Twitter too, is an added advantage.

Whether Ramya will be donning the mantle of the Youth Congress will be clear in the very near future,