Rihanna files lawsuit over $6.9m leaky house

1st September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rihanna has filed a lawsuit over the purchase of her $6.9 million Beverly Hills home.

The 23-year-old Barbadian singer is claiming that the two-story home she bought in 2009 had multiple defects that the seller did not make her aware of at the time of purchase.

TMZ are reporting that when Rihanna paid millions of dollars for the home she believed she was buying a property in good condition.

But the singer is claiming that the woman who sold her the house lied and knew that there were a lot of problems with the house.

The home is said to have numerous waterproofing defects, evidence of water intrusion and other construction defects.

The Umbrella star's house was hit by a "moderate rainstorm" in January 2010 according to the court documents and because of the defects, water leaked into many of the rooms and caused a tremendous amount of damage.

"The actual value of the property at the time of purchase, taking into consideration the extensive construction defects was millions of dollars less," she claims.

Rihanna is not only suing the former owner of the property but the inspector, real estate agents involved in the sale and the engineers who worked on the home. (C) Cover Media
