Rupert Grint explains festival mask

2nd April 2012

Rupert Grint wears masks at music festivals so he can avoid drunken people wanting to "pick him up".

The actor rose to fame as wizard Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter franchise. Rupert continually gets recognised for his role in the hit film series, so takes to disguising himself at public events to stop people hounding him.

"Yeah, music festivals a mask is a good option because there's a lot of drunk people who want to pick me up and do crazy things," he laughed in an interview with the BBC.

"A group of guys got really excited, and picked me up and decided to carry me around for a bit. It's quite fun."

"They love Rupert at the music festivals. He's huge!" co-star Tom Felton joked.

Tom plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. Although he gets recognised every so often, he says it's not on the same scale as Rupert.

"Yeah, I guess I'm kind of lucky in the respect that I dyed my hair for ten years, and now obviously having not dyed it, growing a bit of a beard and not being so pale, people struggle to put two and two together," he smiled.

"A lot of kids go, Nah, that's not you,' and I'm like, OK, fair enough!' I'm quite happy to leave it at that. I guess it's been easier for me than some others I suppose. I was cursing dyeing my hair for ten years and actually it's been a blessing in disguise."

The star says most of his experiences with fans have been positive ones. However, the star says there have been a few unusual instances.

"I have had someone, we were in a car once and a hand came in and yanked my hair, tried to pull my head physically out of this small window. That wasn't so much fun," he smiled.

Tags: Rupert Grint,