Russell Brand upset' by marriage questions

16th June 2012

Russell Brand reportedly felt that host Graham Norton "stabbed him in the back".

The comedian appeared on the Friday night episode of UK late night talk programme The Graham Norton Show.

According to British newspaper The Mirror, Russell became miffed when Graham commented on the star's 14-month marriage with singer Katy Perry.

"[Russell felt] stabbed him in the back," a source told the publication.

"Graham didn't mean to upset Russell but felt he had to ask at least one question about Katy. Other journalists have quizzed him on it all week so perhaps he'd had enough."

Russell brought his mother as a guest to the show and accused Graham of "making his mum cry" in the audience by bringing up his failed union.

The uncomfortable star made one final comment on the subject.

"Some human beings get married and hopefully it works out for them and maybe it won't," he said. "If people get divorced, maybe that is a sad thing. I don't know what is your show about?"

Russell's divorce from Katy will be finalised at the end of the month.

Tags: Russell Brand,