Ryan Gosling wants to save relationships

31st December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ryan Gosling thinks his latest movie will help save countless relationships.

The actor plays Dean in Blue Valentine, which traces the relationship of a couple over several years. Michelle Williams portrays Deans partner Cindy, and the pair have been praised for their on-screen chemistry.

Ryan is keen for people to realise Blue Valentine isnt a movie aimed at either men or women, but rather one which both sexes can enjoy. He hopes it will resonate with people in relationships, and make them realise the importance of communication.

If there is a problem in their relationship, they're not able to look at it, and they're caught in their own experience of it, there's no dialogue about any of the bigger issues, he explained. I think [Blue Valentine is] a cautionary tale about what can happen to love if you ignore it and you take it for granted.

I think that people can see the film and can see themselves in it or say, 'How do we keep that from happening?'

Ryan says the key to making any relationship last is being able to talk about difficult subjects with each other. Its that which he thinks Blue Valentine will help people with, as he thinks it does a good job of confronting the issue.

I think it's the best thing for a couple to see, honestly. I'm not just trying to sell the movie," he laughed to MTV News. "Well, I am trying to hawk the movie... (C) Cover Media
