SAG Ensemble Award: Will The Social Network Bag This One?

21st January 2011

January 21, 2011 (Sampu rn Wire): The esteemed Screen Actors Guild (SAG) award is soon to be held on 30th January and tongues are wagging hard as speculations begin as to which film shall bag the Best Ensemble award this time.

There are quite a few films vying for the trophy this time and it is difficult to prophesy which one will find favour with SAG. The main films contending for the title this time are The Social Network, The Fighter, The Kings Speech, The Kids Are All Right and Black Swan.

Hitherto, it is The Social Network that has triumphed in most of the popular award shows. It has lapped up most of the critics award and the Golden Globe trophy as well. The film based on the social networking site Facebook is on a roll and is likely to pick up the Producers Guild of America (PGA) award as well.

But winning the SAG award would be a tricky issue. There is a strong likelihood that The Social Network may lose out to The Fighter or The Kings Speech because of the powerful performances that have been churned out in them. Despite its cinematic brilliance, The Social Network lacks the appeal that accompanies a flashy film.

Another film that may scamper away with the trophy is The Kids Are All Right where we get to see a great ensemble chemistry between the protagonist Mark Ruffalo and his newfound family. Black Swan is another flick that has a high chance of bagging the Best Ensemble award.

--Sampurn Wire
