SRK's sound advice for newcomers

5th November 2014

Despite of being a complete stranger and a total outsider to Bollywood two decades back, actor Shah Rukh Khan came in from Delhi to make it big in the city of dreams Mumbai. His dust to dawn story is an inspiration to a zillion souls out there who look up to him as an idol.

Aware of the fact that he is looked upon as a guiding light to the newcomers in the Indian film industry, SRK had a sound piece of advice for movie aspirants. He suggested them to focus on their work rather than looks.

"You have to work hard and focus on acting. Yes PR and portfolio are all important, but acting is more important. Focus on acting. Nobody becomes an actor by planning things. Don't focus on your clothes or make-up. Focus on your acting," he said.

Though he is counted as one of the finest and the most successful stars of all time, the dimpled actor states that he still has a long way to go.

"I feel proud about the fact that I am an outsider. This industry has been harsh at times ... at times it loves you and at times it punishes you. But there are a lot of people responsible for who I am today. I don't think I can ever play character Shah Rukh Khan in any film because I don't think my personal life is so important. I think I am too small a person and have a long way to go," said an ever-so-humble actor. 

Tags: Shah Rukh Khan,