Tom Cruise wants to keep Suri in Scientology

2nd July 2012

Tom Cruise will "move heaven and earth" to ensure his daughter remains a Scientologist, it has been claimed.

The Hollywood star's wife Katie Holmes filed for divorce last week and requested sole custody of their six-year-old daughter Suri. It has been rumoured that Katie has doubts about Suri being raised as a Scientologist, but Tom is reportedly preparing to fight to keep his daughter in the church.

"Tom is incredibly passionate about Scientology, this isn't just some hobby for him and he doesn't just act as a spokesperson. He truly believes in the church and its teachings and truly believes that it is imperative that his children are raised as Scientologists," a source told RadarOnline. "Tom will move heaven and earth to ensure Suri stays a Scientologist, at least until she is of an age to make a decision to leave on her own accord. But until then, make no bones about it, Suri will be raised within the church."

It has been rumoured that Tom and Katie often disagreed over Suri's involvement with Scientology.

Katie is believed to be concerned that her daughter will miss out on a "normal" childhood if she continues to follow the controversial religion.

"Katie does not want Suri raised as a Scientologist or raised under the tenets of the church," a source added. "She wants her to enjoy a 'normal' upbringing with a wide variety of friends and a good schooling. She believes that will not happen if she is raised as a Scientologist; it's one of the major things she and Tom fought over when they were together. Now they are apart she is adamant she is going to have Suri raised outside of the church.

"Katie even enrolled Suri in a Catholic pre-school a few years back, which Tom grudgingly agreed to after a lot of fights."

TMZ are reporting that Katie finally decided to file for divorce because she feared Tom might send Suri to a "hardcore" Scientology organisation.

The Sea Organisation is often compared to a boot camp and teaches the highest levels of the religion. It accepts children as young as five to attend without their parents.

"We're told Katie felt the only way to save Suri from being shipped off to Sea Org was to file for divorce and seek sole legal custody," the website reports.

Tom has hired divorce lawyer Dennis Wasser to represent him the same attorney he used following his split from his ex-wife Nicole Kidman.

Katie has called upon New Jersey-based attorney Jonathan Wolfe.

She is believed to be relying heavily on her dad Martin Holmes, who has been a great support in the wake of her marriage breakdown.

"Katie's father is very involved in the divorce proceedings and working closely with Katie's lawyer," a source told "Katie's father has truly been her rock in the last several months and she just doesn't know where she would be without him."

Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes,