Vampire Weekend: Can They Trace Tod Brody To Solve The Legal Mess?

2nd December 2010


December 2, 2010 (Sampurn Wire):American indie rock band Vampire Weekend has finally managed to get a way to come out of their legal mess. A judge has finally permitted them to issue legal papers to a photographer named Tod Brody. They are allowed to serve him the papers via post or email as they could not track down him to prove their innocence in the battle of Contra album.

Former model Ann Kirsten Kennis filed a legal complaint against Vampire Weekend in July accusing them of using her photo in their album cover without taking her permission. The lawsuit was of worth a $2 million and could do a great loss the band if she wins.

However, the rock band has put all the blame on the photographer saying that he was supposed to get the rights of printing the image of Kennis. They used it in the cover to promote their concerts. But, they could not trace Brody for a long time so Kennis lawyers and the legal team of Vampire Weekend sought for a permission to issue summon via post or email rather than sending him in person.

On November 18, the court granted their request and on November 24, summon was issued. Brody will be expected to receive summon within 10 days of the date of issue. Brody is supposed to respond the claims by early 2011 and if fails to do so then he will be accountable for a default judgment.

So, we just hope the Vampire Weekend can trace him before the time and the group gets relieved from the legal mess.

--Sampurn Wire

