18th February 2011
A few days before the announcement of Karnataka state budget the Karnataka film chamber of commerce has come forward with demands. The delegation led by Basanthkumar Patil met the Karnataka Home Minister cum Transport Minister instead of meeting the finance Minister of state who is the chief minister of the state to place the demands. Among the demands – hike in subsidy to films from 50 to 75; allocate Rs.4 crores for welfare, 10 crores for Amrutha Bhavana and Rs.50 crores for film city construction are included. Asking for 75 films to get subsidy of Rs.10 lakhs each (currently it is 50 films Rs.10 lakhs each) is too much. Churning out more films on the one side and asking for subsidy besides the already existing 100 percent entertainment tax free for Kannada films is a wrong move. Quality is what government insists but that is what Kannada films are missing nowadays.