Jennifer Lopez wants passionate' man

27th November 2011

Jennifer Lopez has reportedly been looking for a man who "oozes passion".

The actress-and-singer split from her husband Marc Anthony earlier this year and was then linked to Bradley Cooper. She's now thought to be casually dating her backing dancer Casper Smart.

Those close to the star insist things with Bradley were never serious as he is so different from the men Jennifer usually goes for.

"It was pretty obvious that Jen wasn't in it for the long-haul when she was so careful about being spotted out with Brad. She obviously liked him a lot, but Brad's huge and blonde. He's an Ivy League college graduate who doesn't even drink," a source told Look magazine. "Jen said although it was fun being with someone so different to her ex-husband Marc Anthony, she also wants a man who oozes passion and gives off an edgy, bad-boy vibe."

Casper is said to be much more suited to Jennifer. He has the dancers' build the star is usually attracted to and also has an outgoing personality.

"Casper's only 5ft. 8ins, and weighs about 154lbs. That's just Jen's type," the source added. "Look at Marc he's even smaller at barely 5ft. 7ins. and dark too. It's all in the attitude. Marc always acted like he was the biggest deal in the room. So does Casper."

Tags: Jennifer Lopez, Bradley Cooper,