J.J. Abrams loves alien movies

16th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - J.J. Abrams says Super 8 includes his two loves, "aliens and noshing".

The director is currently promoting the science fiction thriller. It follows a group of friends who, after witnessing a mysterious train crash, begin to notice strange happenings going on in their small town.

The filmmaker says one part of the movie in particular incorporates his two loves aliens and eating. The star is referring to a scene in a creature's cave, where humans are seen hanging upside down.

"I love anything involving aliens and noshing," he quipped in an interview with MTV. "First of all, a man's got to eat, let's be honest. Part of it is that he's a hungry guy and he's been through a lot, and part of it is that there's a second connection that he can make with people, so he's sort of used them as sort of a library of information of what he needs to know about the human technology to use it."

The movie follows a love story between actors Elle Fanning and Joel Courtney. The pair don't actually kiss in the movie, and J.J. insists that locking lips was not integral to the romantic storyline.

"You know, I don't know who wanted to see the kiss between Elle Fanning and Joel Courtney, but to me... these were kids who, their affection for each other didn't necessarily need to be played out with a kiss. But I think that hopefully you get the sense that their feelings for each other are profound," he explained. (C) Cover Media
