Jon Hamm flattered by mimickers

24th March 2012

Jon Hamm wishes he had a "royalty card" for people who try to act like his Mad Men character.

The actor is suave Don Draper in the American series about advertising in the 60s. Don isn't the most pleasant person but is a hit with the ladies, which has caused him to become something of a hero among some male fans of the series.

"I wish I got a residual or royalty card from that. I think it's a compliment that so many people try to emulate him. I like that people thing he's cool and provocative," he told Look magazine.

"Yes, he's attached to the past in his attitudes, yet there's still something very modern about why he appeals to so many people."

Jon doesn't court fame but also realises it is a great by-product of his job. He thinks the important thing is not to let success go to his head.

"Of course, it's way better to experience this than not at all. And all of this stuff I get to enjoy make it easier to accomplish other things, such as helping Jennifer [Westfeldt, his partner] make and direct her movies."

Tags: Jon Hamm,