White House Is Opposed To The Termination Of Birthright Residency

14th August 2010

Washington, August 14, 2010 (Just Flashed): The Obama administration has declared that it is forcefully against the endeavor to alter the constitutional amendment that submits mechanical citizenship to the tots procreated in America even if they happen to be the children of illegitimate immigrants in the U.S.

Janet Napolitano happens to be the occupier of the political post of Secretary of Homeland Security in the federal government. She is associated with the Democrats, who are the existing rulers of America. She has now elucidated her befuddlement over the issue of the Republican congressional chiefs combining forces to propel the re-evaluation of the 14th Amendment of the American Constitution. Napolitano has divulged that she would have appreciated it if the right-wing Republicans had instead functioned in concert with the centre-left Democrats on the subject of wide-ranging immigration restructuring. Napolitano has slammed the partisanship of the Republicans.

The spokesperson of the White House happens to be Robert Gibbs. He has declared that President Barack Obama is in harmony with the utterances of Napolitano on this issue.

One of the prominent Republican bosses in the American Senate happens to be Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. He has asserted that he endorses the notion of organizing inquiries in order to reassess the nationality rights of the toddlers of unlawful immigrants born in America. Nevertheless, he put emphasis on the fact that Washington should continue to be dedicated to the maintenance of secureness along the American border with Mexico.

- Just Flashed News Service
