Who Inspires Naomi Campbell?

21st October 2010

October 21, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Supermodel Naomi Campbell who has adopted the Kabbalah religion to get rid of her anger, says that the most inspiring personality in her life has been Nelson Mandela! Naomi Campbell says that the former South African President is the only person she remembers when times are really tough. Speaking to the media, the British model explains that probably nobody in this world has suffered or gone through more difficulty in his lifetime than the politician and therefore whenever Naomi Campbell is in trouble, she tries to think of the far greater problems that Nelson Mandela may have been in.

The British supermodel and the former South African President have been in touch ever since their first meeting in the 90s and Nelson Mandela has also been heard referring to Naomi Campbell as his honorary granddaughter. Campbell on her part feels blessed to be associated with such a great person as Nelson Mandela. In the statement to the media, Naomi Campbell was also heard voicing her sympathies for all those who could not meet the great politician even once in their entire lifetimes.

Although the British ramp queen admits that she still has not been able to incorporate the quality of forgiveness in her character in spite of being in close contact with Nelson Mandela for so many years, she has learnt to do away with grudges against anyone. Naomi Campbell says that whenever there is any problem, she tries to move away from it without any arguments whatsoever.

Sampurn Wire



Tags: Naomi Campbell,