NEWS amazed by fan's dedication

1st August 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - was shocked when an overzealous fan counted all the "booms" featured throughout one of his songs.

The Black Eyed Peas star is famed for his thumping chart tracks, which feature repetitive lyrics throughout. He was amazed to hear that a dedicated fan had dissected famed dance track Boom Boom Pow.

"In Japan this girl comes up and says, [high pitched Japanese girl voice], 'I reckon in Boom Boom Pow, you say boom 101 times.' I was like, 'Yeah right,' but said, 'Thank you so much for listening to the song.' I got back on the train, counted my booms and she was right," he laughed.

"She counted all the booms." was recently criticised for using Twitter on his phone during TV recordings and important events, including walking with the Olympic Torch.

He insists that keeping in contact with fans during filming of UK series The Voice earlier this year was important - and spells a change in the youth of today.

"Times have changed. Kids watch TV with their phone or their tablet or their laptop. I wanted to connect with people. I had to explain to the people at the BBC, it may seem hard now but in the future it's going to be the norm," he explained in an interview with NME magazine.

The star carried the Olympic Torch through Taunton, England, and spelt the name of the town wrong on the social networking site. The musician has laughed off the mistake.

"If you're tweeting with a hot torch in your hand, spelling errors are gonna happen," he teased. (C) Cover Media
