Emma Stone kicked Gosling in throat

22nd July 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Emma Stone kicked Ryan Gosling "in the throat" while filming a scene together for their newest film.

Emma and Ryan co-star in this summer's romantic comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love. Although they got along famously on set, Emma admits there was a tricky moment when they were filming a Dirty Dancing lift-off inspired dance scene.

"I ran for [Ryan] to pick me up, and I don't know what happened," said Emma on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. "I went spider monkey around his head and kicked him in the throat."

Emma was a gymnast, but broke some bones in an accident when she was a child. This incident has scarred her for life.

"When I was seven I fell off these parallel bars in gymnastics and I fell and broke both my arms at the same time," recalled Emma. "So being lifted over someone's head my arms was like, No way.'"

The lift evoked immobilising fear in Emma. She tried several times to become airborne, but had to collect herself before she could actually let Ryan hoist her body up into the air.

"[Ryan] put me down and said, Alright don't kick me anymore, I'm not going to drop you,' and then I backed up and did it again and it just kept happening," laughed Emma. "And I had to go lay down for like an hour."

Ryan was not offended by getting kicked in the face. He actually found it quite amusing.

"Emma was convinced I was going to drop her. She turned into a bag of rats, going all over the place," Ryan told Extra. "I lifted the double every time. Every time. And she was like, Uh huh, uh huh No, not doin' it!'"

Crazy, Stupid, Love will be released at the end of July. (C) Cover Media
