Reese Witherspoon asks pals for relationship tips

13th December 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Reese Witherspoon constantly discusses her romantic relationships with her close friends.

The actress is divorced from Ryan Phillippe, who she has Ava, 11, and seven-year-old Deacon with. She went on to date actor Jake Gyllenhaal, although they parted ways last year, and has now found love with agent Jim Toth.

Reese rarely discusses the intimacies of her romantic life in public, but has admitted in private it is a completely different matter.

"I'm literally the girl who talks constantly about relationships. I hang up with one [friend], and I pick up the phone and call another one, she explained. It's an ongoing dialogue all day long. I don't understand a woman who doesn't talk about love and relationships."

Reese has discussed how hard she found the ending of her marriage, but it is something she has now come to terms with. She knows everyone has gone through relationship break-downs, and believes it is that hurt which shapes a person.

The 34-year-old refuses to be embarrassed about what has happened to her, preferring to take something positive from it. "I don't have anything to hide, she told USA Today. What experience have I had that millions of other women haven't had? And men, too. There's nothing rarefied about my experience. We're all just people.

The best barometer is your friends. I have no perspective. My mother said, 'You seem like your old self.' Where did I go to? Where have I been?"

Reese now feels closer than ever to realising her dreams. She revealed she is unsure whether she will tie the knot again, although she would love more kids.

The star enjoys everything about being a mother, although working while trying to raise Ava and Deacon is hard. She finds it tough when they question why she has been away filming for so long, but tries to explain to them her working life isnt that different to other peoples.

My mother worked all day and all night, and every weekend, as a nurse. My mom always said, 'Your job is your life insurance.' You can't depend on anybody but yourself. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my job, she told the publication. (C) Cover Media
