Ashton Kutcher happy to live in trailer

16th September 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Ashton Kutcher has joked his Two and a Half Men trailer is so big he'll live there if he ever fights with wife Demi Moore.

The actor has replaced Charlie Sheen on the hit US television show, following his public dismissal earlier this year. Ashton plays internet billionaire Walden Schmidt and has enjoyed his time shooting so far.

One of the perks of the job is his enormous trailer. Ashton can't believe how big it is, insisting he could happily live in it.

"It's a bit of a castle I'm running an empire in there. It's a little spaceship-y. I have a 3D TV in that thing, but nothing airs in 3D so it's a little difficult," he laughed to talk show host Conan O Brien. "I hang out in it a lot. I like it. If I ever have a fight with Demi. I'm staying in the trailer."

Ashton has shot five episodes of the programme already.

At first he was incredibly nervous about being unfavourably compared to Charlie, whose wild antics won him many fans.

Ashton has now settled in and thinks things are going well.

"We've taped like five shows now. The first two audiences were there to suss it out, like, What do we think of this guy?' and now my peoples are starting to show up, which makes me feel really good," he explained.

Not much is known about the new season of the show, which starts in America on September 19. It has been revealed that Charlie's character dies, but Ashton isn't allowed to give anything else away.

"I think there's this weird scepticism because we haven't been able to say much. There are police officers there, I get patted down when I go in. It's really intense. Everybody has to sign this confidentiality agreements, my wife had to sign one," he said.

"It's really intense over there so I think because people don't know what or how it's going to be I think everybody [in the audience] feels like they're coming in getting the inside info. Everything's less funny when you have to sign a contract! They will not divulge anything. Even the audience! You want to come and divulge, that's the fun! We're promoting the show but we're not divulging! (C) Cover Media
